about us
our VIsion statement
We are disciples on the way, following the Lord and listening to his teachings.
We are called by God to be a family in communion with his people.
To achieve Our Mission Statement, we commit ourselves:
- To provide a warm, hospitable and welcoming parish centre to call all ages to holiness through the Sacraments and the Word of God;
- To encourage its members to participate more fully in developing the liturgy and applying it to daily life;
- To provide religious education programs for all its members;
To seek out and encourage inactive Catholics to return to the practice of the faith; - To extend our hearts and hands to all in the practice of the works of mercy;
- To develop a strong Outreach program to community, diocesan, national and world needs;
- To continue meeting the spiritual, physical, and economic needs of our Parish community.

safe environment
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish has devised a Safe Environment Program for the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults as mandated by the Archdiocese of Winnipeg.
This program affects clergy, certain parishioners, staff, members of the Catholic Women’s League and Knights of Columbus, and contractors, who deal with children, youth or vulnerable adults. Persons who are involved with providing religious education, who are Communion Ministers who take communion to shut-ins, who volunteer and/or are Ministers of Communion at Westpark Manor and the Charleswood Care Home, hospitals and other such institutions, members who coordinate the Children’s Choir, work with Altar Servers, and contractors who may come in contact with children or youth at OLPH are screened and trained.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish offers a customer service environment that meets the needs of parishioners and visitors. Staff and selected volunteers are trained to communicate in different ways and take time to understand and respond to what is needed. We do our best to ensure that signs, documents and electronic communication will use plain language and be easy to read.
We welcome support persons and the use of service animals. Our facilities offer the following features:
- Accessible seating
- Accessible parking with wheelchair ramp
- Accessible washrooms complete with accessible toilet stalls with handrails, accessible sink basins, taps and dispensers
- Large font when requested
- Elevator services
- Assistive devices for the hearing impaired in the sanctuary
- Automatic opening doors on entryway and main floor washrooms
Note: If you need additional support, e.g., for American Sign language services, please let us know.

st. charles catholic school
St. Charles Catholic School, a not-for profit independent school, has a very unique ownership structure. It is the only school in the Archdiocese that is owned by five parishes: St. Paul the Apostle, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Charles, St. John XXIII, and St. Ann’s. It is managed by two boards: a Corporate Board comprised of the five parish leaders and owners responsible for the Catholicity and overall mission of the school and a Management Board of Directors responsible for the general management, strategic planning and policy development.

our history
The Beginning
On July 1st, 1947, Archbishop Murray commissioned Father St. Jacques to establish a parish in the Municipality of Charleswood, and also to erect a small church. A three-acre site was found on Roblin Boulevard across from the Vasa Lund Park on which a 40 by 20 foot small frame church was erected. The only reference to the naming of the early church is found in the records kept by Father St. Jacques which stated “The original name given this church was St. Catherine and later changed to Our Lady of Perpetual Help”. The first Mass was celebrated on August 24, 1947.
Charter – Catholic Women’s League
On June 26, 1949, thirty-six ladies signed the Catholic Women’s League Charter to form a Council in the parish and become part of the National Council.
The church building was moved to the new location in the summer of 1951. In 1962, a new church was designed and construction began that fall and the first Mass celebrated on Palm Sunday, 1963.
Charter – Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus Council, which received its charter in 1980, was formed.
The facilities eventually became inadequate and the decision reached was to expand, which would increase the seating capacity to over six hundred. His Grace, Archbishop Adam Exner, turned the first sod on April 30th, 1989. The larger church provided much needed space for religious education, youth and senior programs and social events. The new facilities would also house the church’s administration offices, which had been located in the rectory. Father (later to become Monsignor) Stan Jaworski celebrated his first Mass on August 16, 1992. Reverend Father Barry Schoonbaert followed Monsignor Stan as pastor and in 1998 he was replaced by Monsignor Maurice Comeault, the current incumbent.
The Present
The church remains socially active in the Charleswood community with a strong corps of volunteers. Our Lady of Perpetual Help is one of five parishes corporately supporting the St. Charles Catholic School. It continues to have an active Youth Group and offers rich faith formation programs. Even though the parish has been in existence for nearly 75 years, we remain a relatively new parish. Inspired by God’s Spirit we are sure to look forward to many more fulfilling years as God’s family giving praise to God and building His Kingdom.
Our parish team
Fr. Eric Giddins
Phone – 204-832-1993
Email – pastor(at)olphwinnipeg(dot)ca
Cristy Calma
Office Administrator
Telephone: (204) 832-1993
Email: office[at]olphwinnipeg[dot]ca
Heather Ryczak
Music & Liturgy
Telephone: (204) 560-6191
Email: ministry[at]olphwinnipeg[dot]ca
Donna Chitz
Telephone: (204) 832-1993
Email: finance[at]olphwinnipeg[dot]ca
Maureen Foster Fernandes
Religious Education Coordinator
Telephone: (204) 832-4336
Email: religioused[at]olphwinnipeg[dot]ca
Manuela Fontes
Confirmation Coordinator
Telephone: (204) 832-4336
Email: catechism[at]olphwinnipeg[dot]ca
Leandro Lopez
Telephone: (204) 832-1993
Email: office[at]olphwinnipeg[dot]ca
Leadership Councils

Finance Council
The Finance Council members assist the Parish Priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. In addition to the Parish Priest, members include two Trustees (with corporate legal liability), and other members at large.

Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is an association of parishioners either elected by the congregation or appointed to assist our parish priest in pastoral decisions affecting the parish as a whole. Goals are identified based on our Mission Statement and plans are executed to see these goals achieved. Specifically, the Parish Pastoral Council’s purpose is to enhance the process of:
* Pastoral planning
* Developing pastoral programs
* Improving pastoral services
* Evaluating the pastoral effectiveness of various programs and services

Catholic Women’s League (CWL)
The Catholic Women’s League is a national organization acting as a voice for Catholic Women, taking on such issues as ‘Age of Consent’, pornography and abortion. We encourage all Catholic Women over the age of 16 to add their voice to our chapter.
Executive Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month
General Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus Charleswood Council 7523 is one of 15,000 Knights of Columbus councils throughout the world. Our council covers Charleswood, Elie, St. Eustache and St. Francois Xavier.
We are Catholic men building a bridge back to Faith. There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world and that is what Knights do every day.

Wednesday Charismatic Prayer Group
This group meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM in the Main Hall. Sessions opens with song, prayers, followed by teachings, meditation and prayer. Fellowship and refreshments follow to finish the evening. For more information, call the Parish Office at (204) 832-1993.

The Knitting Group meets in the parish hall after Mass on Thursday mornings. The group makes touques, mitts, neck warmers, blankets and some baby items for the needy. Finished items are sent to the missionary priests up north, Red Sucker Lake, Shamatawa, or here in the city, Sisters of Charity, Main Street Mission, etc. There is no yarn to buy; there is no quota; just whatever you manage to do. We are a very Informal group, no committee meetings, no dues – just knit at home or with the group.
If you would like to join us, please contact Verna Overby at overbyv[at]shaw[dot]ca.

Youth Group
Hey there, if you are, or know someone who is, between the ages if 13 and 17, we would love if you would come and check out our Youth Group!
Our youth nights consist of four key things, prayer, fellowship, games and food. We explore different topics such as the core beliefs of the Catholic Church, understanding Mary our Mother, living a pure and chaste life, and exploring different topics that the youth of the Catholic church have. We occasionally will organize events such as adoration nights, sports evenings, and of course, our annual Ugly Christmas sweater party!
If this piques your interest, call the parish office (204)832-1993 for more information.
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aflameyouthgroup/