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olph library
The church library has 1700+ titles, including books for both adults and children. Topics include family relationships, forgiveness, Christian life, prayer and how to survive loss.
The OLPH library is run on the honour system. Books may be borrowed for three (3) weeks at a time (but can be renewed). The rules of borrowing are posted on the notice board in the library. Books in the church library are for the use of those in the parish.
Donations of books are gratefully accepted. Please leave in the box labelled ‘drop off box’ at the back of the church library.
Come in and browse or view our holdings online via LibraryThing.
Hymn Copyright
The Canadian Copyright Act lays out the rules of the road regarding private and public use. Religious and educational institutions have been afforded certain dispensations.
Having a hymnal in the pews provides the right to sing a song provided the song is retained in its current form. Actions such as live streaming, photocopying, presenting it on a screen, placing a recording on a USB stick, placing an excerpt in the bulletin, etc. in whole or in part represent a change in the form thus affects copyright. When such a change occurs, copyright owners are due royalties unless permission has been obtained from the copyright owners or the hymn is in the public domain.
Reporting Guidelines
Securing permission from the copyright owners can be an onerous exercise; however, One License and Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) have negotiated arrangements with various publishers and contributors. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish subscribes to these services making reporting easier.
To report, users are required to have an account and must be logged in.
The table below contains the list of hymns from the OLPH Gather Comprehensive 2 found in the pews that have been validated. Reporting is required for hymns with an SKU number in the last column. A few cannot be used if the mass is being livestreamed, i.e. where the last column contains the “Not Streamable” annotation.
If a song is not listed in the table, send a request using this website’s Contact form. Insert “Copyright” in the subject line.
Validated Hymns
Title | Number | Recording | Reporting |
A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing | 467 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92069 |
A Living Faith | 579 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01214 |
Adoramus Te Christe | 400 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 12513 |
Again We Keep This Solemn Fast | 407 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 40290 |
All Are Welcome | 741 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00004 |
All Creatures of Our God and King | 523 | No | Public Domain |
All Glory, Laud, and Honor | 421 | Yes | Public Domain |
All That We Have | 597 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00007 |
All the Ends of the Earth | 526 | No | OneLicense SKU: 81394 |
All Things New | 450 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00620 |
All Who Hunger | 817 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00012 |
Alleluia No. 1 | 462 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 71342 |
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus | 826 | Yes | Public Domain |
Amazing Grace | 586 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92092 |
And a Place at the Table | 705 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00002 |
Angels We Have Heard On High | 361 | Yes | Public Domain |
As a Fire is Meant for Burning | 643 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00014 |
Ashes | 852 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80978 |
At the First Eucharist | 840 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92100 |
Ave Maria | 772 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01129 |
Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn | 351 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 09936 |
Away in a Manger | 365 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92107 |
Baptized in Water | 797 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 13426 |
Be Not Afraid | 596 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80666 |
Behold the Lamb | 824 | No | OneLicense SKU: 81512 |
Behold the Wood | 437 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80667 |
Best Be the Lord | 585 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80678 |
Blest Are They | 636 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00022 |
Bread of Life From Heaven | 803 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00140 |
Bring Forth the Kingdom | 640 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00026 |
Change Our Hearts | 414 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 81517 |
Child of Mercy | 368 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 07357 |
Christ Has Promised to Be Present | 732 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00058 |
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation | 642 | Yes | Public Domain |
Christ the Lord is Risen Today | 439 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: EXS00364SD |
Christ, Be Our Light | 512 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80229 |
Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! | 449 | No | OneLicense SKU: 91514 |
City of God | 663 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80676 |
Come and Eat This Bread | 831 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00028 |
Come and Eat This Living Bread | 820 | No | OneLicense SKU: 02723 |
Come and Journey With a Savior | 686 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 14979 |
Come, Holy Ghost | 472 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92132 |
Come to the Banquet | 810 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 07019 |
Come to the Feast | 734 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80999 |
Come to the Water | 502 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80668 |
Come to Us | 740 | No | OneLicense SKU: 83819 |
Come, O Long Expected Jesus | 345 | Yes | Public Domain |
Comfort, Comfort, O My People | 331 | Yes | Public Domain |
Creator of the Stars of Night | 334 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 07055 |
Crown Him With Many crowns | 489 | Yes | Public Domain |
Deep Within | 419 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01901 |
Draw Near | 829 | No | OneLicense SKU: 50008 |
Dust and Ashes | 392 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00436 |
Dwelling Place | 582 | No | OneLicense SKU: 82208 |
Earth, Earth, Awake | 441 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 19321 |
Easter Alleluia | 447 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00580 |
Eat This Bread | 806 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00891 |
Epiphany Carol | 386 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 08700 |
Eye Has Not Seen | 616 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00596 |
For the Beauty of the Earth | 548 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92170 |
Forgive Our sins | 848 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00786 |
From Ashes to the Living Font | 402 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 40301 |
Gather in Your Name | 823 | No | OneLicense SKU: 02106 |
Gather Us In | 743 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00031 |
Gather Your People | 742 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 81276 |
Glory and Praise to Our God | 537 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80402 |
Go Make of All Disciples | 666 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 91651 |
Go Tell It on the Mountain | 363 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92186 |
Go to the World! | 469 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01065 |
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen | 366 | Yes | Public Domain |
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman | 779 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 81283 |
Hail Our Savior's glorious Body / Pang Lingua | 426 | Yes | Not Streamable |
Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise | 468 | Yes | Public Domain |
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing | 356 | Yes | Public Domain |
Healer of Every Ill | 854 | No | OneLicense 00115 |
Here Am I, Lord | 695 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 10153 |
Here I Am, Lord | 671 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80670 |
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name | 519 | Yes | Public Domain |
Holy Is Your Name | 83 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00126 |
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty | 483 | Yes | Public Domain |
Hosanna | 425 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00259 |
Hosea | 405 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 81048 |
How Can I Keep From Singing | 598 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92214 |
How Firm a Foundation | 587 | No | OneLicense SKU: 92216 |
How Great Thou Art | 496 | No | OneLicense SKU: 20951 |
I am the Bread of Life | 822 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 28778 |
I Come With Joy | 799 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 85912 |
I Have Loved You | 504 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80636 |
I Have Loved You | 504 | OneLicense SKU: 80636 | |
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say | 622 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92221 |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives | 454 | No | Public Domain |
I Received the Living God | 809 | No | OneLicense SKU: 92457 |
I Sing a Maid | 777 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01152 |
Immaculate Mary | 783 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92228 |
In Remembrance of You | 819 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 50223 |
In the Cross of Christ | 436 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00579 |
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear | 379 | Yes | Public Domain |
Jesus Christ is Risen Today | 457 | Yes | Public Domain |
Jesus, Remember Me | 422 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00122 |
Journey to Emmanaus | 445 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00136 |
Joy to the World | 353 | Yes | Public Domain |
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You | 520 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92245 |
Let All Things Now Living | 551 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 06098 |
Let Us Be Bread | 808 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00124 |
Life-Giving Bread, Saving Cup | 821 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01190 |
Lift High the Cross | 785 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01923 |
Lift Up Your Heaarts | 543 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80671 |
Like a Shepherd | 332 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80672 |
Litany of the Saints | 787 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92257 |
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming | 373 | Yes | Public Domain |
Look Beyon | 837 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00754 |
Lord of All Hopefulness | 560 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01648 |
Lord, When You Came / Pescador de Hombres | 678 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 89231 |
Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days | 416 | Yes | Public Domain |
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling | 613 | No | OneLicense SKU: 92268 |
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace | 721 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80478 |
Maranatha, Lord Messiah | 324 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00584 |
May God Bless and Keep You | 577 | No | OneLicense SKU: 01659 |
Mercy, O God | 417 | No | OneLicense SKU: 11471 |
My Soul Proclaims | 782 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01016 |
Nativity Carol | 360 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00129 |
Not For Tongues of Heaven's Angels | 612 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00446 |
Now Thank We All Our God | 545 | Yes | Public Domain |
Now the Green Blade Rises | 456 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92283 |
O Come All Ye Faithful | 357 | Yes | Public Domain |
O Come, Divine Messiah | 333 | Yes | Public Domain |
O Come,O Come, Emmanuel | 323 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 102107 |
O God, Almighty Father | 485 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92293 |
O God, Our Help in Ages Past | 588 | Yes | Public Domain |
O God, You Search Me | 509 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80099 |
O Little Town of Bethleham | 359 | Yes | Public Domain |
O Lord, the Guardian of My Heart | 556 | No | One License SKU: 05517 |
O Sacred Head Surrounded | 435 | Yes | Public Domain |
O Sons and Daughters | 446 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92302 |
On Eagle's Wings | 593 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80468 |
On Jordan's Bank | 344 | Yes | Public Domain |
One Bread, One Body | 813 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80673 |
One Lord | 667 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 31067 |
Only in God | 591 | No | OneLicense SKU: 81395 |
Only This I Want | 701 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 81399 |
Peace Is Flowing Like a River | 725 | No | Public Domain |
People, Look East | 337 | Yes | Not Streamable |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty | 536 | Yes | Public Domain |
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven | 531 | Yes | Public Domain |
Praise to You, O christ, Our Savior | 517 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80554 |
Prayer of Peace | 720 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00141 |
Prepare the Way of the Lord | 330 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00142 |
Psalm 23: Shepherd Me, O God | 23 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 95918 |
Rain Down | 505 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80623 |
Return to God | 410 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00143 |
Seed, Scattered and Sown | 830 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 67105 |
Seek the Lord | 395 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 81340 |
Seek Ye First | 600 | Yes | CCLI SongSelect: 1352 |
Send Down the Fire | 477 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00144 |
Send Us Your Spirit | 476 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00145 |
Set Your Heart on the Higher Gifts | 611 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 50217 |
Sequence for Penticost | 470 | Yes | Not Streamable |
Shelter Me, O God | 634 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80193 |
Silent Night, Holy Night | 371 | Yes | Public Domain |
Sing a New song | 544 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80487 |
Sing of the Lord's Goodness | 532 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80537 |
Sing to the Mountains | 452 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80674 |
Sing With All the Saints In Glory | 442 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92358 |
So You Must Do | 431 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 13216 |
Song of the Body of Christ | 807 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00636 |
Table Song | 833 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00154 |
Take and Eat | 812 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01734 |
Take and Eat This Bread | 839 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00955 |
Taste and See | 827 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00155 |
Tell It! Tell It Out with Gladness | 518 | No | OneLicense SKU: 01832 |
That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright | 461 | Yes | Public Domain |
The Cross of Jesus | 396 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00579 |
The First Nowell | 388 | Yes | Public Domain |
The Glory of These Forty Days | 397 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: F7A98528 |
The King of Love My Shepherd Is | 631 | No | Public Domain |
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns | 347 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92386 |
The Living Bread of God | 841 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01731 |
The Servant Song | 661 | Yes | Not Streamable |
The Summons | 687 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00076 |
The Tomb Is Empty | 464 | No | OneLicense SKU: 00255 |
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy | 378 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92389 |
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy | 603 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 84182 |
They'll Know We Are Christians | 728 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 03093 |
This Day God Give Me | 749 | No | OneLicense SKU: 198845 |
Though the Mountains May Fall | 595 | No | OneLicense SKU: 80510 |
To Jesus christ | 492 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 92401 |
Tree of Life | 401 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00169 |
Turn to the Living God | 408 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 03944 |
Walk in the Reign | 325 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00173 |
We Are Called | 710 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00174 |
We Come to Your Feast | 814 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00176 |
We Come with joy | 706 | no | OneLicense SKU; 24287 |
We Remember, We Believe | 836 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 01088 |
We Three Kings of Orient Are | 382 | Yes | Public Domain |
We Walk By Faith | 583 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00181 |
Were You There | 438 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 45460 |
What Child Is This | 387 | Yes | Public Domain |
Whatsoever You Do | 656 | No | OneLicense SKU: 81367 |
When John Baptized by Jordan's River | 390 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00435 |
Where Your Treasure Is | 647 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00183 |
With This Bread | 805 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 06060 |
Within the Reign of God | 638 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00188 |
Without Seeing You | 842 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00189 |
Wood of the Cradle | 358 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00190 |
You Are Mine | 627 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 00193 |
You Are Near | 590 | Yes | OneLicense SKU: 80528 |
facility use / rental
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) has rented its facilities to parishioners and other groups affiliated with the parish for many years.
Parish Activities
Parish facilities are free of charge for social events and events celebrating sacraments. The purpose of these events is to develop a sense of community and belonging and are generally open to all parishioners. Likewise, fees are not levied for religious formation events, organization meetings and other gatherings held in support of the parish, e.g. Alpha Program, training sessions such as First Aid and Automated External Defibrillator training.
Private Functions
Registered, contributing parishioners may request use of the facilities for private events such for receptions for weddings, parties, anniversaries, birthdays, showers, family reunions, etc. Unless otherwise waived, rental fees are charged for these events to offset costs to the parish.
Renters are required to sign the following documents:
• Premises Rental Liability Agreement;
• Rental Agreement; and
• Short term key use (if applicable).
Contact the Parish Office at (204) 832-1993 if you would like to reserve or rent facilities.